W.A. Criswell Sermon Library

"Sermons Library  in English in Video, Audio and Text format."


The Criswell College

"The Criswell College exists to serve the churches of our Lord Jesus Christ by developing God-called men and women in the Word (academically) and by the Word (spiritually) for authentic ministry leadership--all in obedience to Christ, all for the sake of the gospel, and all to the glory of God."

First Baptist Church of Dallas
"A Great Commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission builds Great Christians and a Great Church."

KCBI Radio
KCBI broadcasts inspirational Christian music and great Christian teaching both on the air and over the Internet. We also keep you up-to-date on the latest Dallas weather and traffic, and give you the news from a Christian perspective.

Philadelphia Baptist Church 

"Small church with a big heart for Indonesia."

Philadelphia Baptist Evangelical Seminary

Philadelphia Baptist Evangelical Seminary exist to prepare missionaries and church planter for mission land in Indonesia. This seminary is accredited by Indonesia Government.

Agathos Christian School

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/ SMK Agathos yang akan didirikan untuk mencetak tenaga siap berkarya dengan membuka program studi Teknik Komputer & Informatika dan program studi Bisnis & Manajemen.



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